The Challenge of Building a Modern Career
As a working professional, you are more responsible for managing your career growth than ever before. Today’s professionals change employers more frequently, are more likely to work as freelancers or have a side gig, and are participating in startups in increasing numbers.
Building a career—and a life—that works is more complicated and more critical than ever before. Gone are the days of finding the perfect job with the perfect company and climbing the corporate ladder to retirement. Success in business and life requires the skills and connections to adapt to the changing needs of an increasingly fickle market.
It doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Logika applies over half a century of experience observing and consulting on the evolution of modern work to making your career work for you in the modern world.

How Logika Helps
Logika provides a range of services designed to address the increasing complexity and overwhelm of working for a living:
ⓒ 2018, Logika International, LLC